Productivity and Social Capital
I love Margaret Heffernan's TED talk on "The Pecking Order" and the mounting evidence that individual merit isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's one of those subjects about which it's difficult to demonstrate, but easy to intuit once you've seen its power. Her examples are stellar.
It's one of those subjects about which it's difficult to demonstrate, but easy to intuit once you've seen its power. Her examples are stellar.
TED offers closed captions and transcripts of the video in multiple languages.

Sit back, slow down, and enjoy the video. Consider sharing it with your team. Here's a focused conversation you might use to get things started...
Reflection Questions to Forget the Pecking Order
What words or phrases are you still hearing in your head?
What memories or situations does her story evoke in you?
At what points were you open to what Heffernan had to share? Were there any places where you felt like turning it off?
Why do you think Heffernan mentions technology?
What does it mean when Heffernan says she learned “helpfulness...routinely outperforms individual intelligence”?
How might this story inform your work with groups or with colleagues?
How might this story inform your understanding of yourself? What is a situation right now in which you or a client might consider doubling down on “social connectedness”?